(defmacro eval-in-windows (form &optional yesmini) "Switches to each window and evaluates FORM. Optional argument
YESMINI says to include the minibuffer as a window.
This is a macro, and does not evaluate its arguments." (byte-code "ÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌ EDEDEDÍEE" [form yesmini let ((OriginallySelectedWindow (selected-window))) unwind-protect while progn not eq OriginallySelectedWindow select-window next-window nil (select-window OriginallySelectedWindow)] 13))
Find window containing screen coordinates X and Y.
Returns list (window x y) where x and y are relative to window." (byte-code "ÃÄ
E" [nil x y found (byte-code "Ê ËÌÊ !Í 8Î 8Ï 8Ð 8Ñ U %TÒ U 1T
ZZE\",)ÕÖÈÉ\"!=? pÈ))" [OriginallySelectedWindow we le te re be x y nil t selected-window ((byte-code "Á!" [OriginallySelectedWindow select-window] 2)) window-edges 0 1 2 3 screen-width screen-height throw found select-window next-window] 12)] 3))
(defun sm::window-region (loc) "\
Parse LOC into a region symbol.
Returns one of (text scrollbar modeline minibuffer)" (byte-code "È 8É 8Ê 8Ë!SÌ!SÍ! ÎSY*ÏS
#\\YRÐSÒ*+" [w loc x y right bottom scrollbar-width t 0 1 2 window-width window-height minibuffer-window-p minibuffer modeline scrollbar window-line-end text] 9))
(defun window-line-end (w x y) "\
Return WINDOW column (ignore X) containing end of line Y" (byte-code "Ã ÄÅ !ÆÇ
\")))" [OriginallySelectedWindow w y selected-window ((byte-code "Á! Â!" [OriginallySelectedWindow window-point select-window] 3)) select-window move-to-loc screen-width] 6))
Prints mouse-event bindings for REGION." (byte-code "ÁÂÃ!\"" [region mapcar print-mouse-format sm::event-bindings] 4))
(defun sm::event-bindings (region) "\
Returns an alist of (function . (mouse-list1 ... mouse-listN)) for REGION,
where each mouse-list is bound to the function in REGION." (byte-code "Æ !Ã :@ÇA
*" [mouse-bindings region result nil code-function-pair current-entry mouse-code-function-pairs-of-region assoc setcdr mouse-code-to-mouse-list] 8))
(defun describe-mouse-bindings nil "\
Lists all current mouse-event bindings." (interactive) (byte-code "ÀÁÂÃ!Ä ÂÅ!Ä ÆÇ!Ä ÂÈ!Ä ÂÉ!Ä ÆÊ!Ä ÂË!Ä ÂÌ!Ä ÆÍ!" [nil "*Help*" princ "Text Region" terpri "---- ------" print-mouse-bindings text "Modeline Region" "-------- ------" modeline "Scrollbar Region" "--------- ------" scrollbar] 19))
(defun describe-mouse-briefly (mouse-list) "\
Print a short description of the function bound to MOUSE-LIST." (interactive "xDescibe mouse list briefly: ") (byte-code "ÂÃÄ !!ÅÆ #ÅÇ \")" [function mouse-list nil mouse-lookup mouse-list-to-mouse-code message "%s runs the command %s" "%s is undefined"] 6))
(defun mouse-help-region (w x y &optional region) "\
Displays a menu of mouse functions callable in this region." (byte-code "
E!ÈÉKÊ!\"ËÌ!CB!Í Î$Ï," [region w x y mlist menu item sm::window-region mapcar mouse-help-menu sm::event-bindings menu-create symbol-name sun-menu-evaluate 0 nil] 11))
(defun menu-create (items) "\
Functional form for defmenu, given a list of ITEMS returns a menu.
Each ITEM is a (STRING . VALUE) pair." (byte-code "ÁÂ\"" [items apply vector] 3))
(defmacro defmenu (menu &rest itemlist) "Defines MENU to be a menu, the ITEMS are (STRING . VALUE) pairs.
See sun-menu-evaluate for interpretation of ITEMS." (byte-code "ÂÃÄ \"E" [menu itemlist defconst funcall menu-create] 5))
Set mark and yank the contents of the current TTYSW `STUFF' selection
into the current buffer at point. The STUFF selection contains the currently
or previously highlighted text from a TTYSW." (interactive "*") (byte-code "ÀÁÀ!ÂÃ !" [nil set-mark-command insert-string sun-get-selection] 4))
(defun display-host nil "\
Extract <host> from DISPLAY environment variable, or return nil if not specified." (byte-code "ÂÃ! ÄÅ\" Æ !? Ç O))" [display colon_at getenv "DISPLAY" string-match ":" zerop 0] 6))
(defun sunview-yank-clipboard nil "\
Set mark and yank the contents of the SunView Clipboard into the
current buffer at point." (interactive "*") (byte-code "ÀÃÀ!Ä ÅÆÀÂÂÄ ÇÈ&\"ÅÇÀÂÂÈ%)" [nil host t set-mark-command display-host call-process "rsh" "get_selection" "3"] 11))
(defun sunview-yank-current-selection nil "\
Set mark and yank the contents of the current SunView selection
into current buffer at point. The current selection is the currently
highlighted text in either a textsw or a ttysw." (interactive "*") (byte-code "ÀÃÀ!Ä ÅÆÀÂÂÄ Ç& ÅÇÀÂÂ$)" [nil host t set-mark-command display-host call-process "rsh" "get_selection"] 10))
(defun sunview-yank-any-selection (arg) "\
Yank one of the sunview selections:
with no arg, the current selection; with minus-only prefix, the clipboard;
with any other arg, the ttysw STUFF." (interactive "*P") (byte-code "Â?Ã Ä=Å Æ " [arg t nil sunview-yank-current-selection - sunview-yank-clipboard sunview-yank-stuff] 4))
Set mark and yank the contents of the current Xview selection
into the current buffer at point. The STUFF selection contains the currently
or previously highlighted text from a TTYSW." (interactive "*") (byte-code "ÀÁ ÂÁ !Ã " [nil owselectionfile insert-file exchange-point-and-mark] 5))
(defun xv-select-region (beg end) "\
Set the TTYSW selection to the region in the current buffer." (interactive "r") (byte-code "ÂÃ Ä Ã ÂÅ%" [beg end nil owselectionfile write-region noprint] 8))
(defun sun-yank-selection nil "\
Set mark and yank the contents of the current TTYSW `STUFF' or Xview selection
into the current buffer at point." (interactive "*") (byte-code "ÀÁÂ!Ã Ä " [nil getenv "DISPLAY" xv-yank-selection sunview-yank-stuff] 4))
(defun sun-select-region (beg end) "\
Set the TTYSW 'STUFF' or Xview selection to the region in the current buffer." (interactive "r") (byte-code "ÂÃÄ!Å \"ÆÇ \"!" [beg end nil getenv "DISPLAY" xv-select-region sun-set-selection buffer-substring] 6))